Winter Storms Can Cause Long Term Damage To Commercial Properties, Be Prepared With A SERVPRO Emergency Ready Profile
1/25/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO's Emergency Ready Profile lets businesses register their properties with the local SERVPRO project manager free of charge. This profile lists the property/properties for your local SERVPRO manager, so that we can be prepared in case of an emergency. This profile can help you save thousands on damages caused by a storm or other severe weather event.
Large snowstorms in winter can cause damage to power lines, causing power outages and reducing heat supply for homes and businesses throughout the region. Many commercial properties can be left empty when this happens. The cold temperatures can cause equipment damage and water supply lines to burst. A company with a current SERVPRO ERP (Emergency Ready Profile) will know exactly where to find water, electricity, and other vital areas in order to turn off the water supply.
Call us to find out more about our free preparation service. The project manager will schedule your property walk-through before the next winter storm.